Parker Security & Investigative Services, Inc. is a family-owned business, founded in Albany, GA in 1984. We have been very fortunate the past few years; business is good! Good for Security and for Investigations. For this manual though, I am only going to discuss the investigative end of the business.
Yes, we have been very fortunate and also lucky. Lucky because we have managed to attract some of the best professional investigators in the entire State of Georgia and beyond, bar none. Therefore, I may be a little biased when I say we have the best security and investigations agency in Georgia. We handle criminal as well as domestic cases. We can de-bug a large manufacturing company or protect the most powerful dignitary. We do electronic surveillance as well as electronic counter-measures and we have operative agents.
As a result of our growing business I felt it very necessary to write a Parker Private Investigators’ handbook and am considering hiring more investigators. If you are reading this material, you are one of the fortunate.
First, let me say that I don’t care how much or how little experience you have. You, however, must have the same philosophy as my lead investigators and I. This Agency’s lead investigators are: (1) Jerry Merritt of our Tifton Office. Jerry is very tenacious when it comes to surveillance and is full of ingenuity, so don’t let him get after you! (2) Ben Lockett is a former Secret Service Agent. As far as protection, I would trust him with my family’s and/or my life anytime. If Ben is interrogating you, watch out! (3) Dorene Parker, my wife, is a whiz on the computer and tailing people. If she can’t locate you via computer database, nobody can. (4) Lamar Parker, Jr., our son, hasn’t had a lot of time to perform investigations lately, because he’s busy managing the security guard services end of our business. I used to tell him he was one lucky investigator (he says skilled) because I have had a retired police detective on a case for four days without results; Lamar would work the same case for day and a half and get results. (5) The fifth lead investigator is yours truly. With more than thirty years in the business, fifteen in the corporate world and seventeen my own, I am still learning everyday.
As you can see, we have an unbeatable source of professional investigators that can protect the President of the United States as well as finding out what your neighbors are up to. These investigators and I have one thing in common, we all share the same philosophy when it comes to the private investigations industry.
Here are just a few of the traits I feel make not only a good investigator, but a great one. These traits are:
- Loyalty
- Self-reliance
- Integrity
- Desire
- Reliability
- Persistence

In summary, loyalty, reliability, self-reliance, integrity, desire, and persistence are the blueprint for the Parker Investigator.
I hope each of you will read, understand and become familiar with my philosophy for becoming a Parker Investigator. Some of you that have been with me for a number of years already know this and we feel the same way.
The following materials in this manual are to keep you sharp on cases and may help in some small way. Also, I am always open to hear your ideas, and am always willing to learn. Good luck and welcome aboard!